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Summer Highlights

Today marks the first day of my sophomore year of high school! I'm sooooooo excited! Sure summer was short and winter is coming soon, but I can't wait for school to start! Not your average teenager talk, but I'm soooooo excited for school!

Summer flew by this year!!! To be honest, I barely did anything on my Summer To-Do List! I didn't visit the archery range, I didn't go bowling, or get a chance to ride the mini motorcycles (pocket bikes). I didn't float the Madison river or have a multitude of sleepovers like planned... but I STILL HAD A GREAT SUMMER! I got to go zip-lining and I've had a chance to write a lot!

This summer, I reached OVER 75 PAGES in the novel I'm writing!!!!! I've never written that much as a part of one story! Yes, I've yet to publish anything yet, BUT JUST YOU WAIT! If you like to write just as much as I do (OR MORE), LET ME KNOW! I'm looking for ANYONE interested in writing blog posts for Montana Teen Life!

If you're an aspiring best-selling author at heart, why not get your start writing for Montana Teen Life? You can write posts for Montana Teen Life by submitting sample posts to be chosen for upcoming Guest Author Posts! 

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Summer has been SO MUCH FUN! I was so surprised when snow didn't dump on us in July and I was so happy at the same time! With GREAT weather (despite the smoke) as a family, we've been playing lots of badminton! While we aren't experts at the sport yet, we've been having so much fun! We've taken plenty of family road trips to Grandma's House (where I took plenty of photos like the one above) to enjoy MONTANA'S BEAUTIFUL NATURE! SUMMER HAS BEEN GREAT!!

I seems like I blinked and summer is gone. TIME TO START SCHOOL!


What was the happiest/best thing you did this summer? Let me know in the comments below!


Image Above Was Taken by Grace, Author of the Montana Teen Life Blog
