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Grandma's House

Family means everything, and there's nothing better than hanging out at Grandma's house. Building finished almost 27 years ago, and this hand built log house could describe Montana life in an instant. 10 acres of land surrounded by pine trees, deer, and large Montana mountains are all you could ever really want.

In the summer months, my family and I will always be outside on the front porch early in the morning to watch and listen to the birds as they come by the feeder for breakfast. The view is even prettier in the winter when the snow coats the ground... as long as you stay in the house 'cause I promise you, its so darn cold at times you wouldn't last a minute. Welcome to Montana: 9 months of winter, 3 months of spring/summer. When you have a lucky year, you get a week or two of fall, but I can't complain because I love living here. 

My Grandma likes to keep magnets on the fridge to remind all of her grandkids just how AWESOME Grandma's house can be.

Example One: Grandma's House Rule #15: COOKIES available upon request.

Example Two: Grandma's House Rule #45: Bedtimes CAN BE negotiated.

And my favorite: Grandma's House Rule #52: Being silly is not allowed... IT'S EXPECTED.

Despite the fact there isn't a ranch with farm animals roaming around at Grandma's House, there are 2 black kitties, a chicken house (that doesn't have chickens), and enough room to have a barn if needed. However, Montana life isn't just about horses and tractors, its about Mountains, Family, and SNOW!

HAVE A GREAT DAY and make sure to subscribe to Montana Teen Life to get email notifications when a new post is published!!



  1. I'm so glad you like my house. I love it when you come visit.


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