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Day Five: Elf and Sweaters

Today is National Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day! Christmas time is the time to get spam phone calls so why not answer them like Buddy the elf? First question of the day: How would Buddy the Elf answer the phone? To start, you can't sound like Will Ferrell's Buddy the Elf unless you dress like him, so now is the time to go digging around your closet for those pointy elf shoes! If you don't get any spam phone calls within the first half of the day, a prank call is your next best option! Call a friend, or just a random number and wait for the reaction you are bound to get!

Today isn't just National Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day, but NATIONAL UGLY SWEATER DAY! It's crazy to even think that ugly sweaters have been around since the 80s, but they have. True, ugly sweaters back then probably stood up to their name, and where actually ugly, now-a-days, they seem almost normal. What's so ugly about Christmas Sweaters? 

Even if your school isn't celebrating National Ugly Sweater Day, that doesn't mean you can't waltz around the school in an ugly sweater. However, if you don't want to be the only one, text your friends and get them to come to school in ugly sweaters too! 

Happy National Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day, and Happy National Ugly Sweater Day! The week is almost done, and tomorrow's SPECIAL post is on its way! Subscribe to Montana Teen Life to get email notifications each time a post is published, and stay tuned for tomorrow's post!

Image Citation: By (Unknown Year)
Photo Attribution by


  1. Well, what ugly sweater are you wearing today?

    1. Sadly, I don't have an ugly sweater, but if I did, it would probably have cats on it 🙂


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