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Back to School Chaos

No one can deny the chaos that accompanies those last few moments before school starts. By the time you read this, I will already be at school. Dressed up for first day pictures and wishing summer had lasted just a tad longer :)

The chaos has already ensued. Not that long ago, my Mom and I went shopping for school supplies. Totally normal. Even more normal that the two grocery bags we walked out with were practically bursting because they were so heavy! Of course, this was one of those shop-for and forget-about-later trips. What can I say? It was still way too early to be thinking about packing for the first day... and now, it's here...

When we finally realized just how fast Summer had passed, we got out all those long forgotten bags of notebooks, pens, pencils, you-name-it, and spread them out on the floor. Being a totally neat-freak, what looked like a mess on the floor was incredibly organized :)

Of course, the organized chaotic mess on the floor stayed there for about a day while we washed and dried our backpacks before it was put away. I feel like I might be overpacking for the first day just a little bit, but I plan to shove more than half of it in my locker when I get to school. No way am I carrying all my stuff around on the first day!

To be honest, while I could've hoped for a longer summer, I'm actually excited for school. At least it didn't start 2 weeks ago! (I'm looking at you South Carolina...) But hey, starting earlier also means they get out early May when I have to wait till June... hmmm.. not sure which is really better in this case.

Anyway, I have a feeling I'm going to be swamped this year! Not only am I taking a college level English and History, but I'm also planning to manage the school newspaper... I think I'm starting to understand how much work that will be, but I'm super excited to get started writing more.

Well, I guess we'll just have to see how chaotic the year really gets... and how much I forgot from last year :) 

Have a fabulous start to your school year!

Photo by Minervaozan via Pixabay
