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Someone once said, "If we're not meant to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge?" Not sure who said this, but can you really argue with that? I mean, snacks are AWESOME!!! Right??

Question one on today's agenda: What's your favorite snack!?!
Let me know in the comments!!!
I'm sure you're all wondering what's with me and food posts lately, but it's only been two, and I honestly have NO IDEA!! I think my brain has just been in that cycle of food, but for some reason, it hasn't increased my snacking habits... which is probably a good thing :)

As for my favorite snack, I have three! (Is that allowed?) The snacks that make me SUPER HAPPY are apples, honey roasted peanuts (yes, I'm very specific about that), and ANIMAL CRACKERS!!!!!! And yes, this means that the other day when my mom asked me what I wanted at the grocery store, I told her apples and honey roasted peanuts, because WHY NOT?!!

If I'd been writing this about a year or two ago, I would have told you Goldfish. Don't get me wrong, Goldfish are AWESOME!!!... but, they have BIOENGINEERED FOOD INGREDIENTS!!!!!! Once I started looking around my house (reading food labels for fun) it was terrifying how many things had bioengineered food ingredients. Yes, reading food labels is my new favorite hobby, and yes, I've stopped eating almost anything with bioengineered food ingredients. And sure, Annie's Cheese Bunnies (if that's what they're called) are a decent substitute to Goldfish (I believe they are absent of bioengineered food ingredients)... but, can anything be as good as Goldfish? So yes, I have some Goldfish every once in a while.

I also believe that for every snack, there is a season when it really couldn't get any better. Right now is the beginning of strawberry season (and other fruits)!! Yay! Oh, I love fruit soooo much!!! It tastes awesome! Don't you think??

Question number two on today's agenda: Where's the best place to eat snacks?
Let me know what you think in the comments?
My babysitter brain is telling me, "ALWAYS AT THE KITCHEN COUNTER!!!" On the other hand, my teenager brain is saying either the movie theatre or outside with friends. Sounds like fun!

Did you know that today (April 18th) is Nation Animal Crackers Day?? (Yes, this also influenced this post...) ANIMAL CRACKERS ARE AWESOME!!! And yes, I have heard people say they're little-kid-snacks, but I don't think anyone can get too old for animal shaped graham crackers :)

In honor of this fun holiday, I looked up some funny quotes about snacks! Other than the one above, here's what I found:

"My favorite machine at the gym 
is the one where you put 
change in and snacks come out."

"It doesn't matter how old you are,
buying snacks for a road trip 
should look like an unsupervised 9-year-old 
was given $100."

"I won't be impressed with technology
until I am able to download
snacks from the internet."

TA-DA!!! I don't know, the internet is good for finding jokes about snacks!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter yesterday! He is risen! Anyone get some good snacks from Easter eggs? Let me know in the comments! I got some chocolates and some gummies (more snacks)!

Have a SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS week (full of yummy snacks)!!!

P.S. Wednesday is National Cheddar Fries/Banana/Lima Bean Day!!

Image Citation: By Couleur (Unknown Year)
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