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Paint by Numbers (or Years...)

Word of advice: Never expect a hand painted Paint by Numbers to take less than a year. 

It was the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, and my mother, brother, and I decided to get three paint by number paintings. One for each of us. My mom got this painting of a tree, my brother got this really funny one of a kitten looking into a puddle and seeing a tiger, and I got a nature scene (the picture above is mine). 

We started off good, got a few good stokes of the brush in, and now, 6 or so months later, I barely have 1/5 of my painting done. Don't get me wrong, its a GREAT way to pass the time. When I'm not reading or writing blog posts, I'll head over to the table where we have the paintings set up, get on my apron, turn on my Happy Playlist or Classic Rock Playlist and jam out while painting. 

My painting is on the part of the table closest to the window, but my house is on an angle, so the sun never shines in that window. So, in order to get good light, my Dad brought in this light from the garage which he usually uses to light up his work space when he's working on either the quad or my side-by-side. The light does a great job of lighting up the room, and I'm making progress... but it takes soooo much time!

But, when I'm all done with it, I plan to hang it up in my room. I even have a spot all picked out! We'll see how long it takes, but I can't wait to see it finished!

The cat on the other hand, is no help at all! When I'm not painting, she likes to sit on my painting and look out the window. My canvas now has a little droop in it where the cat sat. And, she loves to play with the paintbrushes! I don't know what it is... maybe it's because they look like pencils, and she likes to play with pencils too! It's funny when I come out, and I see her sitting on my painting, she sees me, and she bolts out of the room! She knew I was gonna shove her off, so she ran away before I could. Have I mentioned she's a little bit of a scared-y cat?

I also don't like seeing my cat on the table, 'cause there's a cup of water there that I dip my brushes in... I do not want to see her knock over that cup of water onto all of the paintings. Speaking of cups, we use these really old ones... I have no idea where we got them, but there're either "My Little Pony" cups, "Tinker Bell" cups, "Mickey Mouse" cups, or "Lego Movie" cups. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of all of the above! They certainly look awesome next to my painting and hold the water well. 

Well, I'm off to go paint! Have a GREAT rest of your week!



  1. How far has mom and your brother got on their paintings. Sounds like a good idea, you can work on it for years in your spare time.

    1. Hi Grandma! I'm happy to say that I have done much more than anyone else, but Mom is getting a lot done and will soon catch up 🙂. I do agree though, it's a great thing to do with spare time!


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