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Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everyone is having a GREAT day, and enjoying chocolates. Just this past week I took a short little vacation from writing posts, and I thank you all for being patient with me and waiting. To be honest, I didn't even have a post planned for today! I know, I know! It's a holiday! However, I checked my stats this morning I saw that I had 14 views on my blog! Now, 14 views can mean that either 14 different people looked at my blog, or one person looked at it 14 times, but either way, I felt after a week with no posts a Valentine's post was just the right thing to start off with.

I hope everyone got some chocolates... anyone out there have a secret admirer? I don't, but I did get some chocolates from my mom and dad. In return, I made them some Valentine's day cards! I love making cards from my card kit, but for this holiday I made word arts for my family. They turned out really cool!

This is the one I made for my Mom:

And this is the one I made for my Dad:

My Dad is a HUGE Batman Fan (Like Me) So I figured a bat was the best way to go!

If you haven't already, make sure to tell the people you love just how much they mean to you! Special shoutout to the people I love: Love you Mommy, Daddio, Noah, Aunt Katie, Uncle Andrew, Aunt Sam, Lilly, Grandma, Grandpa Tom, and Grandpa Ryan! Love y'all!

As for the rest of my readers, see you tomorrow when I post: Paint by Numbers (or Years...)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Image Citation: By PhotoMIX-Company (Unknown Year)
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  1. I thought it had been a while since you posted. Happy Valentine's Day to you.. Love what you made for mom and dad.

    1. Happy Valentine's Day! Love you Grandma!


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