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New Years

Montana Teen Life has been, in a nutshell, the start of my career. For a while now, I have known that I wanted to be a New York Times Best Selling Author. Most of my friends and family knew of my dream, but few suspected that I would start a blog before I wrote my first book. Well, saying that I've never written a book isn't entirely true... I just have yet to finish one. I write a lot. I have more than 20 different ongoing stories I'm writing. I've written part of a TV show, and part of a movie, but never finished. I've even written some children books... but never finished. Hehehehe... it drives my family and friends crazy (oops). I've been very lucky to write as many posts as I have without getting distracted and writing something else.

Even though my dream is to write a book, I've found I really enjoy blogging and there are some perks to writing a blog. My favorite perk is that can get feedback from my posts through the comments. Therefore I wanted to make use of the comments today, and ask my readers some questions. (Don't worry, I won't get too personal *devious face*...)

Question #1: What Do You Want to See More of?
If you haven't figured it out already, I LOVE CATS, and there is little chance in the world that I won't post something else about Cats in the near future, but with that in mind, I am curious what you like reading. Are there certain posts you feel aren't as enjoyable reads? Are there themed posts you enjoy? Would you like to see more? Do you have any suggestions for things I have yet to write about? Let me know in the comments your answer to Question #1.

Question #2: Themed Movies You Enjoy?
I can't say enough that teen life is surrounded by media, and a form a media is movies. My monthly movie posts aren't going away just yet, so what type of movies would you like to hear about next? Romance for February? Horror for October? Sci-fi for March? Let me know in the comments! (January 2021 Movies will post January 4th.)

Question #3: Will you Support My Blog?
No need to answer this question in the comments, but if you are a frequent or new time reader to Montana Teen Life, and have yet to subscribe, please do! When you subscribe to Montana Teen Life, you will get email notifications each time a new post is published! Another way to support Montana Teen Life is by sharing the link to my blog with your friends. Whether via text, or posting it on your social media accounts! The link which is:

Feel free to answer all or none of the questions. I want your opinion! Have a GREAT New Years, and if you want, let me know how your family is celebrating this year! What is your New Years Resolution? Mine is to write 50 posts by March 2021! I have over 20 already... I'm soooooo close!

Image Citation: By Rakicevic Nenad (Unknown Year)
Photo Attribution by


  1. Happy New Year! I love comedy and historical movies. In the future , you could do a serial novel and put a chapter or part in every so often . Magazines used to do this so people would come back to see the rest of the story . I like the week you did the did the annual celebration of things today. I love pippa posts also.

    1. Thanks so much for your feedback! I love the serial novel idea. Happy New Year!


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