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January Movies

Happy New Year to all Montana Teen Life readers! The beginning of the New Year when all of us are so tired we can barely keep our eyes open is a GREAT time to watch reruns. For my January 2020 Movies list, I put together a list of movies that most teens would have watched by now, and are great movies to watch again. (I promise I'll try my best not to list all Marvel movies...)

1. Spider-man: Far From Home
Take it from my teen brother, the second Spider-man is a better watch than the first. With more silly wits, romance, and rivalry, this movie was likely watched by most teens within the first few weeks it was released into theaters. And yes, this is a Marvel movie, but it is the only Marvel movie on my list so I have not broken my promise.

2. The Hunger Games Saga
More than one movie, but what's the harm in binge watching if you are so tired you can't keep awake. If you have yet to see this romance/action four part movie series, I highly recommend it. (Just read the books first!)

3. Power Rangers
A great teen movie that I hope by now most teens have seen. When 5 teens think life couldn't get any worse after they end up in detention, they come upon an alien spaceship buried underground and realize they were chosen to save the world from destruction. They just have to learn how to trust each other first.

4. Top Gun
An incredible Tom Cruise movie that if you haven't seen already should be on your need-to-watch list. When Maverick (Tom Cruise) is sent to the elite flying school, he is quickly set apart from other fliers by his reckless attitude as he competes to be top flier of his class. This 1986 movie is a great rerun, or if you haven't seen it, a great watch!

5. Napoleon Dynamite 
Funny enough, I have yet to watch this movie all the way through, but I am told it is one of the best teen movies to watch. Of course, the dance scene is one of the most memorable parts of this movie, but there are many other parts of this movie that make it one of the best. It also happens to be a movie that can be understood even when you happen to fall asleep through parts. Perfect for the beginning of the New Year!

Happy New Year! If you haven't already, subscribe to Montana Teen Life to get notifications when new posts are published. Have a good year. Happy 2021!

Image Citation: By Pixaby (Unknown Year)
Photo Attribution by


  1. I guess I better get busy watching movies and falling asleep.

  2. Watching series, or binge-watching is best when it's holiday time where you can stay up late without being bothered by your parents. There are too many to pick favorites. But, I suppose that's the whole point, they became a series because they were good.

    Marvel or DC
    Die Hard
    Fast and the Furious
    Hunger Games Series
    Oceans Series
    Mission Impossible
    Now You See Me
    Star Trek (newer)

    But, there are those movies, you can watch over and over..
    Princess Bride
    Mr & Mrs Smith
    Sherlock Holmes
    Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

    Kettle corn, carmel corn, butter, or other popcorn?

    Marvel or DC?? Totally makes the series list, but too hard to decide which is better?

    1. Hello! What a great list you have! I agree, way too many favorites to pick from. I love all the movies you listed, especially Princess Bride, that is one of the best movies of all time!

      Hmmm... Marvel or DC? I'd have to go with DC. Batman is AWESOME! Oh, but Marvel movies are soooo good! It's a tough choice. As for the popcorn, I'd have to pick plain old buttery and salty popcorn. You can never mess with the classic movie theatre style popcorn.

      Happy Binge-Watching!


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