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Update - June 2021

Hello Montana Teen Life Readers and welcome to Montana Teen Life's June 2021 Update! In this update, you can look forward to blog stats, a new way to make suggestions regarding posts, and more ways to get involved with Montana Teen Life... Including [SPOILER ALERT] ... writing posts for Montana Teen Life!

To check out the Montana Teen Life June Update, click HERE!

Before I get to some story telling, I'd like to thank my entire family for supporting me and my blog. Most importantly, I'd like to thank my Grandma who was the very first person to subscribe to my blog and has given me full support while she reads each and every post I write! 

Now... to the story telling! First things first, I AM CRAZY WHEN IT COMES TO MY BLOG! Have you ever taken the eraser from your pencil and used it to write on the desks at school...? Just the other day in science class, I was sitting with one of my best friends waiting for the bell to sound. We were all done with our work and there was maybe 5 minutes left in class.... I'm sure you can already tell where this is going.... LONG story SHORT, my friend and I started drawing on the table! Before you start thinking something like, "WHAT!?! That doesn't sound like Grace! She wouldn't dare do something like that!"... okay, that's probably something more like what my best friend is probably thinking right now, but I'll have you know I only did it because I knew it was erasable! Of course, I ended up drawing a little mountain and writing Montana Teen Life Blog next to it (and if you don't think this is crazy, you are in for a surprise)...!

When I first started writing my blog, I was sooooo excited I went to the school library and started "advertising" on the whiteboard.... let's just say my grammar was HORRIBLE!!!... but I was too excited about "advertising" that I completely overlooked my grammar mistakes! See what I mean by crazy! You might not think this is that bad, but I was going crazy over this form of "advertising". I had two of my friends help me draw on the whiteboard (because there is no doubt they are better than I am!) and I took over 50 photos of the whiteboard while they were drawing! Even for me, 50 photos is CRAZY!

Now do you get what I mean by CRAZY ABOUT MY BLOG!?!?!?! The thing is, I've been crazy enough about my blog, I haven't stopped writing since I started Montana Teen Life in November 2020... THAT'S SEVEN MONTHS OF MONTANA TEEN LIFE!!!! *Cue readers cheering!* In my update, I share more details about the progress Montana Teen Life has made since the day it was first published! If you haven't already, you can view the update HERE and visit some of the quick links below!


Here are some quick links to all the links provided within the update! To learn about some other changes with Montana Teen Life, visit one of my most recent posts: Some Changes...

  • June Feedback Survey
    • Share your thoughts about Montana Teen Life by filling out this QUICK and EASY form!
  • Post Suggestions
    •  Want to make suggestions regarding Montana Teen Life posts? Visit this link!
  • Monthly Movies are Going Away...
    •  By November 2020, the Monthly Movie Posts will be complete... which means there will be no need for another Monthly Movie post… so what’s next?
    •  Montana Teen Life is looking for anyone interested in writing a GUEST POST! Don’t feel like it needs to be long! Want to sign up? Submit your sample post using the link above
    • Sample Posts will be accepted until July 1st! The first Montana Teen Life Guest Authors Post will take place this JULY! (Your submission will be private. Should your writing not be chosen for the Guest Post, it will be deleted.)

I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend and Memorial Day! Have a WONDERFUL week! 

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