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Book of the Month: January

Hello Readers! Thanks to a dedicated (and AWESOME) subscriber of Montana Teen Life who shared a suggestion for Monthly Posts, this year has been decided. That's right, no more Monthly Movie posts, we're onto something a little more... AWESOME! Let's get reading!

Now, every month, you can look forward to learning about a good book and... DUN DUN DUNNNN!!!!!.... Where to read it based on the month!! Sounds awesome, right?!

THIS MONTH'S BOOK: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Genre: Fiction/Romance/YA
Published: January 10, 2012
About: This Fiction Romance Novel follows a teenage girl by the name of Hazel who has been diagnosed with lung cancer and sent to a cancer support group. At the support group, she meets Augustus. Get the hint yet? Boy meets girl. Gosh, John Green! So cliche! Don't let your guard down just yet! Get ready for a CRAZY twist in the end!!! 

This book will make you cry...

Grab a big fuzzy blanket! You're going to need it... after all, it is January!

Obviously since it's just barely the beginning of January, the beginning of the New Year, and in Montana there's still snow on the ground, I recommend reading by the fireplace. But wait! Don't take off to go reading just yet! You have to prepare the most comfy reading spot ever, because once you sit down to start reading this book, you won't be able to stop (I couldn't...)!

Grab your favorite mug from the cupboard, fill it up with some freshly made hot cocoa, place a whole bunch of marshmallows in it, and to make it extra awesome, top it with some whipped cream and colorful sprinkles! TA-DA! You've just successfully made yourself the best cup of hot cocoa!

Now, take your excellent cup of cocoa over to the fireplace where you have the fire on, a blanket to the side (should it be needed), and LOTS of pillows! Oh, and don't forget the leftover Christmas candy or the Christmas cookies for a mid-chapter snack! All that's left now, is to sit and read a book that is bound to make you cry. 

Here's where it gets tough. If you're shy, you'll have to find a way to keep your family in the other room, so they don't see you crying, or you'll find yourself in the middle of an After-Christmas-Take-Down-The-Tree-Marathon!... but at least you'll be cozy... right?

Well, there you have it! Something interesting to look forward to every month! A GOOD book to read and an INTERESTING place to read it! Hope you enjoy the months to come!

Have any suggestions for next month's book? Let me know in the comments! (I'll try to read it in time...)

Image Citation: By bboellinger (Unknown Year)
Image Attribution by
