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5+ Funny Town Names Every High Schooler Should Know

Get your suitcase packed and ready to hit the road! Spring break is only a week away! While most places are still on lockdown, why not take a family road trip around the states! But with so many places in the US to go, where will you go?! Well, why not go to a place that has the funniest name, and will inspire your curiosity! (There I go again sounding like a person on the TV trying to sell you a product... but don't go just yet!)

Sure, you're probably wondering, "Why do I need to know funny town names? What's the point?" Well, number one, knowing funny town names will probably come in handy for comebacks. Don't ask me how, I just have a good feeling on this one. Number two, when your teacher asks where you went over spring break, and you went on a family road trip, you can be the kid who went to all the towns you've never heard of, and towns with names that actually make you curious!

1. Deadhorse, Alaska
Isn't this one of those names that you would want to write on a post card and send to your friends? Sure, this town only has 35 people in it, so you probably won't find a post card, but either way, it's still a really funny name!

2. Hygiene, Colorado
This town in Colorado was named after a nearby sanitarium (a place that specializes in patients with long-term illnesses). Then again, that still doesn't entirely clear up why this town is named Hygiene. Do people smell bad here? Or do they smell good?

3. Hazardville, Connecticut
Nope. Not a dangerous place at all. In fact, this town is probably anything but dangerous. The only reason this town is called Hazardville, is because it was named after a man named Colonel Hazard. To be honest though, you've got to love that name, Hazard! I'm feeling some pure supervillain vibes right now!

4. Slaughter Beach, Delaware
This name has something to do with all the horseshoe crabs that come in the summer and lay their eggs on the beach. Not sure why it's Slaughter Beach... shouldn't it be CrabEgg Beach?

5. Slickpoo, Idaho
Yet again another town named after a man. This town is named after Mr. Josiah Slickpoo. Unlike Colonel Hazard, I would not want to have "Slickpoo" as my last name, and I certainly don't have any sort of supervillain vibes coming from that name.

6. Monkey's Eyebrow, Kentucky
Okay, enough said, when can I move to Monkey's Eyebrow, Kentucky? There can't be any better name than this on my list. And you know what? It would make a great blog title! I can imagine it now, "THE SECRETS OF MONKEY'S EYEBROW KENTUCKY a blog".

7. Yaak, Montana
It took me a while to find a name even remotely funny for Montana. This one sorta fits the funny category... right? Well, one thing's for sure, Montana loves to name their cities after bodies of water. There's Hot Springs (Yes, there is actually a city named this), there's also White Sulfur Springs, and Seely Lake, Montana. Like I said, Montana likes to name their towns after bodies of water.

8. Horseheads, New York
Not joking, this town was named this because they found an actual graveyard full of horse heads! Okay, okay... probably not the most lovely background story, but it inspires curiosity!! 

9. Boring, Oregon
Who would name their town "Boring"? It doesn't really promote tourism. Well, at least it's a funny name! Once again, named after a man. His last name was, Boring.

10. Nameless, Tennessee
Get this! This place wasn't named after someone! Yay! Well, to be honest, I don't even know why this town is called, "Nameless". One thing's for sure: It's a funny name!

TA-DA! Now you have a great list of funny town names to use for whatever you desire, or to add to your list of all the places to go on a family road trip! They also make for witty comeback statements, or just making you look like the smartest/coolest kid in class!

Got Any Other Funny Town Names to Add to the List? Let me know in the comments! 

And... If you decide to go on that Family Road Trip after all, and go to a place on this list, let me know what it was like!

Have a GREAT Spring Break!!

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  1. How about Hungry Horse, named after two horses that got lost in the winter up in the mountains. When they were found they were starving.

    1. 😅That's a great town name for Montana! And the story makes it even better!

  2. Slaughter Beach sounds like the name of a town in a horror movie. Oh, yes, let's go to Slaughter Beach for spring break, I'm sure it's fine. Nothing bad could possibly happen there. All those stories of the teenager murders are made up. It would never happen to us, never.


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